Recruitment & HR Freelancer Platform

JOYN connects freelance Recruitment & HR professionals with clients needing specialist support, delivering their service on a time and materials basis. They required the design and development of a cloud-based platform giving freelancers timesheeting, billing and client collaboration functionality, along with recruitment tools such as an Applicant Tracking System, video screening and document library. The platform also had to include a client-side dashboard, giving them control and visibility over projects, along with real time data and analytics for the Recruitment or HR assignments in progress.

JOYN also required customisation of their CRM so it would integrate seamlessly with the developed platform product, along with the design and build of a new website that also integrated with the CRM.

Our Solution

CRM Customisation

We customised the CRM so it would talk to JOYN’s platforms and website, handling everything from lead generation, proposal building and account management, through to assignment management, reporting and invoicing. Connected to Xero and Slack via their APIs.

Photo showing a user using the JOYN platform ATS on their laptop

Platform Development

Designed to optimise UI/UX from the viewpoint of a recruitment or HR professional, enabling easy on-boarding for new freelancers and clients.

  • Hosting: AWS
  • Backend: LAMP technology stack
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Vue.js
  • Integrations: SEEK, TradeMe, MyInterview, Checkmate, iPayroll, JOYN’s CRM

Website Creation

Developed a responsive website to articulate JOYN’s USP, calculate instant project cost estimates and send leads directly into JOYN’s CRM.

  • Backend: Linux, Apache, PHP
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Javascript